How Long and Difficult is the Immigration Process to go to a place like Canada or the United States?
I'm an 18 year old male, I'm also of African descent if that matters. I live on a Caribbean island and I've never really liked living here. I've always hoped one day after getting a degree, and working for a few years to save up. I could do something like moving to another more developed, colder and less humid country to try finding work. Somewhere with snow in the winters, days where I can wear long sleeve clothes and reliable infrastructure. Somewhere with a higher standard of living, things like windows with meshes that keep bugs out and various other living amenities.
I'm a long way off from the prerequisites to try a plan like that. I still need to get a degree, a job and begin saving.
But I've been feeling particularly depressed as of late probably due to my depression and I felt like my end goal is kind of impossible or can't be achieved in any reasonable time frame.
So I wanted to ask, as a naive child with little to no knowledge of the world, bureaucracy and the difficulties involved in a plan like this, what's it like trying to immigrate? How long does it take, would it be impractical to try? Are there things I need to do first or think about along the way?
Are there things that increase or lower my chances. I have family in the us but non in Canada or anywhere else in the world does that change things?
Does the government in charge at the time have an effect?
What's it like building a life from scratch at the age of 30, 35 or 40 maybe even later. Will I ever be able to purchase a house or find a partner or start a family?
Are there other developed countries where I may have better luck? The UK seems attractive too.
I know of people that are my age, that have residency because their parents just have way more disposable income than mine does and can afford to set that sort of thing up for them. How big of an advantage do they have over me?
What does a green card do?
Should I follow my dream or just be realistic and Die here.
If any of you know, I would love to hear more about what you know, your experiences etcetera.
I may not be able to reply right away, but I'll try to respond as much as I can, though they may be very late responses, as I sort of have something I'm supposed to do tonight and tommorow morning, I'm writing this in a break between the thing I'm doing.
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