Me and my boyfriend and in talks of the CR1 visa instead of the K1 visa and its pretty straight forward but I have a few questions regarding it. When we get married, I plan on taking his last name, does that mean I have to change ALL legal documents with my maiden name on it (passport, identity card, health card, credit/debit card, SIN....ect) before filing for the CR1? or can we do that after? How long does it take usually to sort all that stuff out so it doesn't delay us sending it out... one more question! Do we have to have joint bank accounts, insurance..ect in order to prove a relationship? I haven't spoken to him yet about getting a joint credit card, but is it really necessary that we do so? Can our relationship just be proven by 2 1/2 years of skype logs, texts, photos, visits, family events, letters, gifts, receipts..ect ? thank you :) submitted by /u/Batbrattt [link] [comments] source
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Non Immigrant and Immigrant Visas - Green Card Lottery - DV
---> Diversity Visa Program <--- Every year, millions of people apply for the Green Card Program. About 125,000 applicants will be randomly picked by the US Government to apply for the Diversity Visa for entering the USA as a Legal Permanent Resident. Up to 55,000 will finally be selected to receive Green Cards and enter the United States as permanent legal residents. ---> Diversity Visa Program <---