I want to know if a person can have multiple I-130 petitions under FAMILY BASED IMMIGRATION law of USA.
Scenario 1 : Sam has his own brother in the USA who has got a US citizenship. His brother has filed F4 visa petition for him and the petition is approved. Now, Sam’s both parents have green card. Since F4 visa takes very long duration, can Sam’s parents file F2B visa petition for Sam when his F4 visa petition is still pending in processsing ? If yes, will he denied green card during interview just because he has another petition pending under his name ?
Scenario 2: Sam has an approved F4 visa petition under his name. He marries a US citizen or green card holder. Can sam’s spouse file F2A visa petition when his F4 visa petition is still pending in processing? If yes, will he denied green card during interview just because he has another petition pending under his name ?
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/immigration/comments/iicj6l/question_can_a_person_have_multiple_i130/