My husband has been in the US for about 20 years (student visa, work visa, then perm legal resident through marriage to me). We've been married for almost 15 (2 kids, mortgage, shared financial responsibilities, the usual stuff). He's decided to apply for citizenship. He is from what our dear leader refers to as a "shithole country".
What happens if his citizenship request is denied? He gets to maintain his permanent legal resident status, right? Is there any likelihood (I know there is always a "chance", so I don't want to use that word) that they can deny his citizenship request AND cancel his perm legal resident status? The US is such a crapshow and so unfriendly to immigrants right now that I'm worried that calling attention to himself could somehow result in something bad.
Full disclosure: he was in removal proceedings at the very beginning of our marriage due to a paperwork error from his university. (They didn't correctly file the documents to move him from a student visa to a work visa and he'd been working "illegally" for about a year before he found out.) I'm sure that's gonna come up.
Is there any benefit to obtaining an attorney during the application process?
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