Hi there, I am from a South Asian country (not India, Pakistan nor Bangladesh) and I am a software professional (currently working as a Lead Software Engineer) with 6+ years of experience. I have a B.Sc degree as well. I am considering to migrate to Sweden with my wife and be there and obtain citizenship. I read somewhere saying, as a non-Nordic person I need to stay in Sweden for 5 years.
My question is that if I come to Sweden in Student visa and spend 2 years in studying Masters and 3 years in studying PhD, will I be able to get the citizenship? or is it feasible to get a job as a software programmer (around Microsoft Technologies) and stay there for 5+ years to get citizenship. My only worry regarding the second point is that the Swedish authorities does not approve the visa extension after say 4 years.
Kindly advise me.
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/immigration/comments/kmyo6s/migrating_to_sweden_and_get_citizenship/