I have asked several times if I could get my American passport because my records are sealed because an American president is my family. Maybe you will all be laughing by now. But read my story. One day someone contacted me by email telling me first that this president is my great-uncle, that I have a right to get my American passport. At first I didn't believe it, but then as he explained many things to me I started to believe. He told me that this president was JFK. Later he sent the marriage certificate of JFK with his first wife, and he later explained to me that he was my grandfather. That my Mother is his oldest daughter that he hid in my country. Our native tongue isn't English, but my Mother is the only one who can speak it very well. Officially she only has 7 years of formal schooling, and none of her siblings can speak English so good as her. She also knows the song Alouette by heart since she was a little girl, but she never learnt French at school and she can understand the French from France. They told me that supposedly my Mother went to a Swiss boarding school where she learnt French and English. She just doesn't remember it and her parents because of the trauma she got because her father took her away from her mother. The name of the boarding school in Switzerland? Le Rosey. I know that everybody is now laughing at me because you think I am a troll for believing all these nonsense. The documents seemed real, even the trusts without agreement that they sent to us. I even didn't know that registrar is where you can marry. English is not my native tongue. I wish I could put the martiage certificate, my Mother's birth certificate on this site so you can tell me, if they are real. I am afraid that you will call me stupid for believing all this. But I will publish them soon. Sorry for being a stupid troll.
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/immigration/comments/kmg18g/please_read_my_story/