Hi. Can someone give me a rundown from how is the current policy.
Since US embassy in Venezuela(in the first place this one wasnt issuing anything since 2014 and got shut down in 2019) and Colombia are closed for requesting visas(traveling or any other) related to venezuelans. I dont know if its the case for Colombians.
I was wondering what would happen at this moment if i do one of 3 cases
1) Go to mexico and try to directly request asylum in the border.
-How would be the process? -How long its? -How is the current situation? -Do i need a lawyer?
2) Find a way to enter illegally in US and then request asylum once I'm inside.
-To which office should i go? -How is the process right now? Would i get detained? Or if I don't get detained can i choose a place to stay while i wait? -Can i apply for asylum in any state? - Which are the long term consecuences of it? Deportation? Would i be deported to Mexico? Or to Venezuela? -Would i need a Lawyer?
And the extra case where i simply dont report myself and just find a way to work illegally. And wait till i can regulate my situation.
Im sorry for asking this. I know this is for more legit questions. But im a bit desesperate.
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/immigration/comments/l7gwch/asylum_venezuela/