Hi! I'm 18, 19 in 2 days, and I've been considering moving to Germany for college after paying off my debts from this school year and saving up money. The thing is, I'm very naive and new when it comes to living on my own, and I want to move somewhere where it's easy for me to be self-sufficient, unlike in the U.S. where many people in their mid/younger 20's still have to live with family. I'll probably stay in the U.S. paying off debt and saving money and learning the language/preparing for 2-4 years. Is Germany a country where it's easy for younger generations to be self sufficient? What countries in general would be best for surviving on your own as a young and unestablished immigrant?
I'm planning on going to Germany due to what I've heard about some colleges being free (I need to look more into the technicalities) so I know I can save money there, and I've seen that the work weeks are very short and pays well, but I don't know what to do if the economy of those countries, especially post-covid, makes it difficult to get a job. Does anyone have any input or advice? Thank you!
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/immigration/comments/mfrqvp/best_countries_for_young_gen_z_immigrants/