Need to bring my recently retired mother-in-law from Canada to US for longer than 6 months. She needs to keep her OHIP insurance since she has medical issues. What are some ways to make this happen? Thank you in advance for your time.
So, my wife and I just found out that she is pregnant and her mother wants to come and stay with us in Florida for longer than 6 months. Her mother just retired in June and has some medical issues, so she doesn't want to risk losing her OHIP plan. She mentioned that OHIP requires Canadians to remain in Canada for 6 months out of the year. Not sure what the actual laws are, which is why I am posting this on reddit. I hope someone out there can point me in the right direction. Here is some more info:
- My wife is a permanent resident.
- We have been married since November 2017.
- Mother-in-law is willing to put up some money to open a business.
If you are able to provide me with links or articles with info on this that would be greatly appreciated. I just don't even know where to start looking or what type of visa I should be looking for.
Thank you reddit community! :)
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