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Waiting for what seems like forever

I have a question for people going through the spouse visa during covid. me and my husband got married 10/19/19 we started lawyer searching immediately but didn't find one till February of 2020 before covid hit. We then started the process and some of the things the lawyer needed was hard to get because covid shut down alot of places etc but we finished and waited and got a acceptance of paper work April 24 2021 now we are waiting for interveiw to be scheduled our lawyers havnt talked to us since may 1st I sent them another email 4 days ago still waiting on a response. I was wondering if there is anyone with a similar timeline and if you have received a interveiw date and what you did leading up to it or if you found a way to check how long it would be. My second concern is I have never met my lawyer I think we had a 2 minute conversation and then she pawned me off to her assistant and that is who I've mainly been talking to. I'm worried about the authentication of them prob should have questioned it more before we payed them money but I don't like how they stopped contacting us and take so long to reply to our emails is that common?

Sorry if this seems like a run on paragraph. I should state he is from the UK and is coming to America. I havnt seen him in person since 2 days after our wedding and that will be 2 years in approx 2 monthes I know there are tons of people who have been waiting way longer trust me I just feel so lost not being able to do anything about the situation for so long.any advice and help is greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/igaveintoboredom
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